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How can I retrieve a lost password?

If you have lost your password, you should first try to reset it yourself.

Passwords for the billing section can be retrieved by using the "Forgot your password" option

STEP 1: Go to and click on the account and Click on forgot password

STEP 2: Then put your Email address and submit to reset password. You will get a validation email sent on that page.

STEP 3: Then check your email, you will get a link. Then click on the link.  

STEP 4: The link will take you to the billing panel where you will put your desired password.

If you have lost your support login as well as cPanel information you can still submit a ticket and the password to login to your account will be provided in the "receipt reply" you receive after submitting your ticket. Just use the same e-mail address each time you submit a ticket and you will always be able to see your ticket history.

If you still have trouble with passwords on your account please submit a ticket to technical support and we can assist you further.

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  1. Support-Agent

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  1. Cristian Luigi Antonio Glorioso

    ...What is the "long Page" present at line 4? Please be more clear (add a link o some description... my Cpanel has not those link)
  2. HelpDesk

    Staff –

    You can retrieve or change your hosting control panel password from your billing client area which is more secure and user friendly. Here is how you can do this by yourself. See the link given below where we indicated with screen shots for your better understanding. 1. Log on to Eicra Billing System at using your secure registered email followed by password. 2. Click on "My Services" Menu on the top. 3. On the "My Services" page, you will find list of account(s) hosted with us, select on the right most icon from your domain row. 4. Click on "arrow icon" button on the related hosting account, the page of product details will be displayed. See the link given below where we indicated with screen shots for your better understanding. 5. The Hosting account username and password are as stated at the "Log-in Details" section. See the link given below where we indicated with screen shots for your better understanding. 6. You may log-in to the hosting account control panel with the username and password. You can also take the advantage of logging to your control panel or web-mail directly for your client are just by a single click after you change of password. 7. Shall the username and password are not functional, this might due to the hosting account password had been updated or changed before you have updated it from the hosting account control panel end. 8. The hosting account control panel password can be reset when you “Enter New Password” and click on “Update”. Once the hosting account password reset, you may use the new password to login to your hosting account. Fore more details , please visit Your security is very important to us and this is how you can help yourself changing account password more securely without even our personal attention.
  3. pongta rajkumar

    can't enter to cp. password and user name ok.