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What is an Index page?

In order to upload the index page to your public_html folder you should perform the following actions:

  1. Open your public_html folder, find index.html file ( or index.htm, index.php )- all you need is to point out the name of the start page of your site ( e.g. mainpage.html);

  2. Enter your cPanel and click the icon "File manager" with the help of which you can upload this index page to your public_html folder;

  3. After uploading this file via FTP or File manager you need to check if everything was done correctly entering in the browser the following link: http://yourdomain/index.html  where index.html is the main page of your site;

  4. Then you need to access your .htaccess file (create it in you public_html if you haven't one) and write the following string right here: DirectoryIndex mainpage.html. 

Note: If your main page has filename like index.php, index.html or index.htm - you do not need to change DirectoryIndex statement.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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