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PHP Settings

  • Custom PHP.ini & Subfolders

    You create a custom php.ini file and upload to public_html folder but custom settings do not have an effect on subfolders. You need to copy php.ini to each subfolder to activate the custom setting. Th...

  • How to turn on register_globals ?

    The register_globals can be turned on in your php.ini file. To do this, create a php.ini file in the directory you need this to be turned on. Then add the following :=================register_globals ...

  • What is PHP / CGI Default file / folder permissions to run CGI scripts ?

    CGI / PHP scripts need certain file permissions to be set if they are to work properly. In general CGI scripts need to have permissions on 755 (rwxr-xr-x), although PHP files only need 644 (rw-r--r--)...

  • Can I use a custom php.ini file for command line PHP scripts?

    Yes. When executing a PHP script from the command line, you can use a custom php.ini file. To specify an alternate php.ini file, you'll need to use the -c flag in your PHP command line. For example:ph...

  • How can I set php.ini values in a .htaccess file ?

    Although we do not allow access to the php.ini files on our servers, many common php.ini settings can be changed in a .htaccess file. If you wish to make these changes site-wide, they should be made i...

  • Do you support ionCube encoder?

    Yes, we support ioncube in our shared environment, if dynamically loaded by the user. The procedure for this can be found here: #Ioncube_Loader....

  • Do you run PHP in safe mode?

    No, we do not run PHP in safe_mode (safemode) because it can cause issues for scripts....

  • Is there a limit on the file size for PHP uploads?

    Yes. PHP uploads are limited to 32 MB. If the server you are on has a lower limit set for upload_max_filesize or post_max_size, please submit a support ticket and we will update the setting for you....

  • Is rewrite mode supported?

    Yes, It is...

  • PHP settings that cannot be changed

    PHP has been configured to use the following settings on our shared and reseller servers:safe mode = offmemory_limit = 64M MAXIMUMmax_execution_time = 30 MAXIMUMpost_max_size = 64M MAXIMUMupload_max_f...