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How to generate the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and install the SSL certificate

Generating the CSR

In the SSL request process, you will be required to provide the type of web-server as well as a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

Please note that:

  • Our Web server type is "Apache + mod_ssl"

To generate the SSL CSR:

  1. Login into your panel as indicated in the hosting setup email
  2. Select your domain in the drop-down list
  3. Click in menu "Server configuration" -> "Manage SSL certificate" then click on tab "Signing Request"
  4. Fill in your information as it should appear in the certificate (keep www. in front of the domain for single-site certificates) then click the button "Generate CSR Now"
  5. Copy from the information the CSR.
  6. Save for your own records in a safe place the private key. The private key is already saved on your domain safely, so you won't need it with the certificate.

You only need the CSR for the SSL request.


Configuring the Certificate

You will be receiving in return of your SSL certificate purchase your certificate, and sometimes also a CA certificate as well.

To store the SSL certificate on your site:

  1. Login into your panel as indicated in the hosting setup email
  2. Select your domain in the drop-down list
  3. Click in menu "Server configuration" -> "Manage SSL certificate" then click on tab "New Certificate"
  4. Copy the certificate text (including header and footer) into the text area OR select the file on disk then click the "Install now" button.
  5. If you need and have a certificate authority file, go to the "CA Certificate" tab, and store the certificate from your local file on disk.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Laticia

    That's really shewdr! Good to see the logic set out so well.