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Backup policy, Do you provide backups?

You are responsible for your backups and web content.

We create our own weekly backups on the shared servers, and we can restore from those. However, this is NOT a procedure you should rely on to keep your content safe. Backups made every Sunday; only the newest backups are kept. We make no guarantees about our weekly backups, and we do require a $15 fee to restore the WebspaceHosting backups. If you can provide your own backup file, then the fee is $0 (free).

What if my account was suspended?

If your account is suspended less than 1 week before we run backups, your account will still be backed up!

If you are suspended for more than a week when we run backups, your old backup will be erased and you will not be included in the new backups. Thus, we will have NO backups for your account. So, it is very important that you maintain your own backups.

How do I restore my own backup?

A partial backup (home directory backup) can be restored in cPanel, the same place where you made the backup.

Go to your C-panel FIle manager


Then go to backup

 Then select partial backup and download it


A full backup must be restored by the root user for the server. We will restore your full backups for USD $25 dollars. 

You can restore from here.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Meadow

    Finding this post has aneswred my prayers