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I uploaded my website, but I still see the holding page. What is wrong?

There are a number of possible reasons for this. Check that you have either overwritten or deleted the original index.html 

Ensure that you upload all contents that you want visible on the Internet into the correct folder (see below). You can check by following ways:

1. login to C-panel and click on the File manager.

 2. Click on the public_html 


Then find the index file

A possible reason is that your homepage is labeled incorrectly. Your site's homepage needs to be called one of the following file names: 

1. index.htm 
2. default.htm 
3. index.html 
4. index.php 
5. index.jsp (java) 
6. default.asp (windows) 
7. index.asp (windows) 

On Linux filenames are CAsEseNsitive, so myfile is not the same as MYFile

If your homepage is not labeled one of the names listed above, you will not be able to see your site.

Cpanel Admin:
If your domain is hosted in the Direct Admin control panel your website files need to go into the following folder: /public_html/

If your domain is hosted in the Helm control panel then your website files need to go into the following folder: httpdocs 

If you are a customer of the new hosting control panel system then your files will need to go into the folder listed under the domain located in the "All domains" list.
- For example on a Linux shared hosting package the website files need to go into the following folder: public_html/$location (where $location is the location you   specified in the location field in "All Domains >> Your domain name")

- For a Windows plan these website files will need to go into the: /httpdocs/$location folder (with the location field being found in "All Domains >> Your domain name")

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Livia

    Peefcrt answer! That really gets to the heart of it!