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Understanding the File System.

Each domain name hosted by will have a 'home directory' named after the primary domain name for the website (eg. From this directory, you can store your websites pages, scripts, applications, databases, etc. You will also have access to your sites raw log files.

After logging into your home directory, using FTP, you will see the following folders: -


This folder is the root of your website, you should place inside it the web pages, scripts, and images that make up your website. You should call your home page index.html or default.html and place it within this folder.


The web server and thus your scripts have full access to this folder, however, the folder is not directly accessible by your website visitors. This is, therefore, a good place to store any Microsoft Access databases or data files so they can not be downloaded by a hacker.


This folder contains the raw log files for your site from the last 5 days. You should NOT delete this folder as it is required by the web server in order for your site to run.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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