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Webmaster Tips

  • How do I prevent WordPress from overloading my shared server?

    WordPress blogs can be extremely resourced intensive if you happen to experience a surge in traffic. Poorly implemented WordPress setups can place a high load on web servers and lead to interruptions ...

  • How to Optimize Wordpress?

    Wordpress is one of the most popular blogging platforms available and is used widely for different types of sites. However, depending on how your Wordpress site is set up, it may not be running as eff...

  • Vandalism and Hacking

    About Vandalism and Hacking:Vandals often use hacking techniques to deface a website or destroy data and files, but there are also those who just want to steal resources (make use of other peoples’ se...

  • How to stop PHP nobody spammers ?

    PHP and Apache has a history of not being able to track which users are sending out mail through the PHP mail function from the nobody user causing leaks inform mail scripts and malicious users to spa...

  • How to create a simple one page website

    Also known as a landing page or an under-construction page. This is the perfect solution for a temporary placeholder site. The site tells visitors that your real site is coming soon, and lists importa...

  • What can I do to reduce the amount of spam email I get?

    1. NEVER click on an unsubscribe link on spam. That only serves to confirm that someone actually reads the spam they send you...and they will then sell your email address to other spammers. 2. If your...

  • How to upload a file using the File Manager ?

    You may want to upload your files directly through cPanel. You can do this through the File Manager. Warning: There is a 25MB upload limit through File Manager. If you need to upload a larger file, pl...

  • How do I move my site from my old host to your servers?

    Transferring your account to us can be an easy process with zero downtime if done properly. To do so you only need a little preparation and allow for about 3-4 days overlap between the two hosts. Your...

  • Where do I upload my website files?

    Your account has both non-web accessible space and of course your web accessible space. Your user home directory , /home/USERNAME , contains many files used to operate your website. You can create new...

  • Do you have curl installed in your php?

    Yes, we do....