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DNP (DotNetPanel) – Setup Google Apps MX, CNAME and SPF records

Since Google Apps is one of the best (if not the best) email services out there, here is how you can setup your domain, which you have its DNS managed by Eicra, to point to Google.

This blog post presumes you’ve already setup your Google Apps account and that you are just now doing the finishing touches (ie. final DNS settings to have Google handle your emails). If you’ve setup your Google Apps account correctly, this final step will put the finishing touch and allow Google to handle all your emails needs.

For this to be done, you’ll need to setup three DNS records:

  1. MX records, thus telling the world, who handles email for your domain (ie. Google).
  2. CNAME record, so that if you type (replace yourdomain with your own domain name – like, it points to Google Apps login page.
  3. SPF record to tell the world that Google is allowed to handle emails for your domain (this helps other mail servers know that Google is allowed and thus, help prevent filtering emails from you as spam).

Note: the links above point to Google’s own help articles, respectively.

Edit DNS zone records:

  • In your control panel, click on Domains and then on the domain name in question (picture 1)
    picture 1

    picture 1

  • Now click on Edit DNS zone records (picture 2)

    picture 2

    picture 2

  • First, delete the mail A record and the default TXT record by clicking the Red X to the right on the respective row (picture 3)

    picture 3

    picture 3

MX Records:

  • Click the pencil icon to the left of the first MX record to set the default record to a higher value (higher means lower priority), we don’t want to delete it, since we don’t want to interrupt current mail connectivity if such exists (picture 1)

    picture 1

    picture 1

  • Change current value of 10 (ten) to 20 (twenty) and click Save (picture 2)
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    1. Cathy

      You saved me a lot of halsse just now.