This article will give you a step by step guide on how to create and edit PHP.ini from your cPanel. Sign into your cPanel and follow these steps:
1) Scroll down to eicra and click on Applications paths.
2) Click the Click to create PHP.ini button.
3) Once the page reloads, click the Edit php.ini Settings button.
4) All of the settings to configure can be found on this page. They will each be explain later in the article.
5) Once you have configured the settings, click the Update button.
6) You will then get a confirmation page. Click the REFRESH button.
This concludes how to create and edit your PHP.ini settings.
The rest of this article will explain what each setting does.
The first option lets you decide whether to allow HTTP file uploads or not
The second option lets you set what you would like the maximum allowed size for files that will be uploaded.
The third option lets you set the maximum execution time of each script.
The fourth option lets you set the maximum amount of time each script is allowed to take analyzing the data.
The fifth option lets you set the maximum amount of memory each script is allowed to use.
The sixth option lets you decide whether or not to allow magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
The seventh option lets you decide whether ot not to allow magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
The eight option lets you decide the maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
The ninth option lets you decide whether to have register_globals on or off. (It is more secure to have register_globals set to off)
The tenth option lets you decide whether to have safe mode on or off. (It is recommended to leave safe mode off)
The eleventh option lets you decide whether you would like to have output buffers on or off.
The twelfth and final option lets you decide whether or not you would like your website to display errors or not.
This concludes the summary of all of the options in PHP.ini
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