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How to Generate A Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The first part of enrolling for your SSL Certificate is to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). CSR generation is wholly dependent on the software you use on your web server. Your CSR will contain encoded information specific to your company and domain name; this information is known as a Distinguished Name or DN. Select your web server software from the list after reading the following general points:

  • General Points to remember before creating your CSR:

The Common Name field should be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or the web address for which you plan to use your Certificate, e.g. the area of your site you wish customers to connect to using SSL. For example, an SSL Certificate issued for will not be valid for If the web address to be used for SSL is, ensure that the common name submitted in the CSR is

Our SSL Certificates are compatible with almost all popular web server software. If your web server software does not appear on the list, please contact with full details of your web server software and we will contact you with further instructions.

In the DN for most servers are the following fields: Country, State (or Province), Locality (or City), Organization, Organizational Unit, and Common Name. Please note:

  1. The Country is a two-digit code -- for the United States, it's 'US'. For Bangladesh, it's BD.
  2. State and Locality are full names, i.e. 'California', 'Los Angeles'.The Organization Name is your Full Legal Company or Personal Name, as legally registered in your locality.
  3. The Organizational Unit is whichever branch of your company is ordering the certificate such as accounting, marketing, etc.
  4. The Common Name is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for which you are requesting the SSL certificate.

If you are generating a CSR for a Wildcard Certificate your common name must start with *. (for example: * The wildcard character (*) will be able to assume any name that does not have a "dot" character in it.

To remain secure, certificates must use keys which are at least 2048 bits in length. If your server platform can't generate a CSR with a 2048-bit key, please contact us.  


Step 1: login to C-panel and click on SSL/TLS

Step 2: Click on the CSR>> Generate CSL
Step 3: generate a CSR with a 2048-bit key, domain, City, State, Country, Company, Company division,Email.

Step 4: put E-mail as
Step 5:  After clicking on Generate, You will get the CSR code
Once your CSR is created, you will be able to simply copy and send us through an email (

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