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Cant send or receive email

The following troubleshooting tips are intended to help you resolve any email issues you are having.

New Accounts

It normally takes 20 minutes for new accounts to be fully activated, however, if you are transferring a domain or have had to make DNS changes, it can take longer. In which case, if you are able to do so, we recommend you leave it a full 24 hours before testing your email services.

Check Your Domain

Is your domain valid?
Make sure the domain is still valid and has not expired. If it has expired you will need to renew it before email will function correctly.

Go to to check your domain is available or not 


Are the nameservers correct?
Make sure the DNS are pointing to the correct server. 

To change DNS Please go to your domain panel or billing panel and click on the domain Then click on my domain. 


Here click on the domain in marked place and click on manage nameservers 

Then put your nameservers as you want to give and save the changes.

Check your Welcome Mail for this information and then do a WhoIs Lookup to make sure the domain is using the correct DNS settings.

Check Your Website

Can you view your website?
If you see a page that says 'Error - there may be a problem with your account' then it is likely your plan has been suspended in which case you should login to the Billing Centre and settle any outstanding invoice. If you see a page that says 'Cannot display this page' then there may be a problem with the server in which case you should check the Server Status page.

Can you view other websites?
If you cannot access any sites online then the problem is likely to be with your Internet Service Provider (the company who provides access to the Internet). In which case, contact your ISP for an update of the situation.

Check Your Webmail

Is there email to download?
Login to your Webmail to make sure there is actually mail waiting to be received.

Is a rogue message blocking the download?
Sometimes a corrupt or large message may block the download process. If the next message waiting to download looks to be problematic, delete it and try again.

Check Your Email

Are your settings correct?
Check your Welcome Mail for confirmation of your email settings.

Is your username correct?
A common mistake is to use the Control Panel username to access email. This is wrong. The username for your pop3 email should be the email address you are trying to connect to.

Is your password correct?
Again, make sure you NOT using the Control Panel password. Each pop3 mailbox has a unique password that you can change from the Control Panel.

Is SMTP authentication turned on?
All servers require SMTP authentication be activated. When you are setting up your email on your computer (MS Outlook or other), look for the option 'my server requires authentication' and make sure it is turned ON.

Are you trying to use SSL connection?
Do not try and send email via a secure route. If you have the option boxes for SSL turned ON then you must turn them OFF.

Has your ISP blocked port 25?
Many ISPs will block smtp traffic on port 25 so try changing your smtp setting to use port 26 instead.

If You Still Need Help

If the above checks fail to resolve the problem, please raise a Support Ticket and provide us with the following details ...

  1. what is the email address with the problem?
  2. is it affecting other email addresses you have?
  3. when did you first notice the problem?
  4. is this a new problem or a repeat problem?
  5. is it affecting incoming (pop3) or outgoing (SMTP) email?
  6. did you do anything that might have created this problem?
  7. have you run the checks mentioned above on this page?
  8. copy and paste the exact error message you are receiving.

If we need to run in-depth tests, we may need to ask for your email password, however, please wait for us to ask before you provide this information.

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