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Windows Hosting - Control Panel

  • Error 500 Internal Server Error on Windows 2008

    You receive the error 500 Internal Server Error on Windows Server 2008 Hosting with DotNetPanel. The error does not tell you what the problem is so you don't know how to fix. To display error details,...

  • I cannot add email account ! Help

    You cannot add email account or update email settings. Please make sure you use a complicated password when adding email. Email password requirements are: + Password must be at least 6 characters. + P...

  • How can i preview website pre-propagation in DotNetPanel

    You transfer website from another server and want to check if the website works ok before changing DNS? When you add domain & create website In DotNetPanel, you need to tick the checkbox Create Instan...

  • How to change DotNetPanel Logo to my own logo?

    Dotnetpanel allows resellers to customize control panel logo.In order to use your own logo, first, upload the logo to your website so it can be accessed on the internet.Then login DotNetPanel, go to P...

  • FTP Timeout occurred on receiving data from the server

    You received an error message Timeout occurred on receiving data from the server when connecting ftp. The error is because of a firewall between your computer and the server. Please try to configure y...

  • MS Access Database Connection String

    Please find your connection here ::  strconn=Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= & Server.MapPath(db/your-database.mdb) '------------------------------------------------------ 'Create Connec...

  • How can I connect MSSQL with Management Studio Express ?

    At PremiumReseller, we provide web admin interface as well as ability to use Management Studio Express to connect MSSQL database from your PC Instruction to connect to SQL2005 or SQL2008 remotely from...

  • How to create virtual directory to run application in subfolder ?

    By default you can upload application to wwwroot folder and run website. If you want to host application in a subfolder, you have to configure virtual directory for the sub-folder. Ple...

  • MS SQL Database Connection String

    Using DSN <%   'Your connection here set conn = server.createobject(ADODB.Connection) DSN=your-dsn; UID=sqldbuser; PWD=sqldbpass set rs = server.createobject(ADODB.recordset) %> Standard Sec...

  • How to restore MSSQL 2005/2008 database?

    You can restore MSSQL database from DotNetPanel by following the instruction below 1. Login Dotnetpanel 2. Browse to the hosting space 3. Select SQL 2005 / SQL2008 database, you will see a list of dat...