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General Questions

  • Difference between windows and linux hosting?

    Eicra Windows hosting and Eicra Linux Hosting Packages operate on different operating systems. Although having the same price, they differ in the followings: Programming Language: Linux supports PHP, ...

  • When Will My Domain / Hosting Renewal Invoice Be Generated?

    Domain Name Renewal Invoices for domain name renewal will be generated 45 days before domain expiry date. Hosting Package Renewal Invoices for Non domain name renewal will be generated 45 days before ...

  • I uploaded my website, but I still see the holding page. What is wrong?

    There are a number of possible reasons for this. Check that you have either overwritten or deleted the original index.html  Ensure that you upload all contents that you want visible on the Internet in...

  • How do I register my private nameservers?

    Registering your personalized name servers is a totally SEPARATE act than assigning them to your DNS info for your domain names. When you signed up with hosting, we sent you a welcome email ...

  • Backup policy, Do you provide backups?

    You are responsible for your backups and web content. We create our own weekly backups on the shared servers, and we can restore from those. However, this is NOT a procedure you should rely on to keep...

  • FTP (File transfer protocol Tutorial and Client setup

    FTP Tutorial   This series of FTP tutorials will walk you through the various FTP options in web hosting account control panel, things like setup additional FTP accounts, monitor and remove FTP sessio...

  • How do I access webmail?

    You may access webmail, by going to http://webmail.yourdomain.tld after your domain has propagated. If you are behind fireNote: Please replace your domain.tld with that of your actual domain name.Prio...

  • How do I run a traceroute on Windows?

    Running a Traceroute on Windows: 1) Go to Start (start button on the lower left of the desktop) 2) Choose 'Run' 3) Type: cmd (no quotes) 4) This should bring up a DOS prompt. Once there, type: tracert...

  • Difference between a sub-domain, parked domain and and add-on domain.

    We get asked this question all the time. The answer is actually pretty straightforward: Subdomain Let's say your domain is You install a Message Board and put in in a directory called mysi...

  • How do I run a php file using Cron jobs?

    From the cPanel, go to Cron jobs, select Standard, and enter (between the quotes) /usr/bin/php -q /home/USERNAME/public_html/PathToFile into the Command to run field.  You may also want to adjust the ...