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General Questions

  • cPanel to Manage e-mail and Stop SPAM

    SPAM is an unfortunate fact of life. You can reduce the amount of SPAM you receive by following the tips on this page. The cPanel web hosting software is easy to use, rich on features tool for managin...

  • Help ! why won't my email address work?

    Make sure you set it up exactly by looking at our Outlook Configuration & Webmail at your knowledgebase located at Outlook with Webmail   Make sure your username and password is all lowercase. Make su...

  • How long after I sign up can I start building / Upload my website?

    If your account is automatically approved, your machine user will be created and ready for uploading within 15 minutes of you signing up! If your account is not automatically approved, it will be with...

  • Can I upgrade at any time? How much does it cost ?

    Yes, you can upgrade at any time. It is free to upgrade and the only charge would be the price difference in the plan you upgrade to.  For example, if you already paid BDT 1200 Taka for this year with...

  • How to protect a website from being hacked! will help you to protect your website and not get hacked. This security articles should serve as a general purpose and would not go into too technical detail on how to protect your

  • Cant send or receive email

    The following troubleshooting tips are intended to help you resolve any email issues you are having. New Accounts It normally takes 20 minutes for new accounts to be fully activated, however, if you a...

  • Virus attack injecting javascript code , malicious or iframe code into the index page

    Normally, The virus attacks following files on your server:  index.php  index.html  main.php  header.php  footer.php At the start or end of these files it will insert the  <IFRAME>,  javascript php or...

  • What is an Index page?

    In order to upload the index page to your public_html folder you should perform the following actions: Open your public_html folder, find index.html file ( or index.htm, index.php )- all you need is t...

  • Can I edit httpd conf file?

    You cannot edit httpd conf file if you are hosted on budget, reseller or a business hosting plan. You can, however, edit this file if you have a dedicated server with us. FYI you can set some particul...

  • Permissions for file uploading

    Files should be uploaded with the permissions 644 and the directories with 755. If you would like to upload files with the permissions 777 they will not be processed by the server because of the secur...